
Just Peace for Israel/Palestine is an organization open to all. Our mission is five fold:

To educate ourselves and inform others about the history of Palestine and Israel, and the current difficulties in finding a just peace.
To work with people of good will everywhere, to end the Israeli Occupation of Palestine, ensuring security for both Israelis and Palestinians.
To call for an authentically neutral broker in place of the United States to facilitate the achievement of a meaningful peace
To urge that the United States suspend military aid to Israel until it ends the Occupation and conforms to the Foreign Assistance Act, which stipulates that our military aid be used for legitimate self-defense and internal security
To support the three principles of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement:

1. Ending the occupation and colonization of Palestine
2. Advocating the fundamental rights of full equality of Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel
3. Promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties or to be adequately compensated as stipulated in UN Resolution 194
