This is a brief listing of resources. Thanks to Jewish Voice for Peace for its listing and summaries. We are able to obtain most of these films, and many more, so if there is something you would like to see that you can’t find on-line, or is not on this list, please contact us.
Online Sources
B’Tselem – website
Haaretz – Online newspaper
Palestine Today
Jewish Voice for Peace
1913: Seeds of Conflict
1 hour, 2015
Examines a critical yet overlooked moment of transformation in Palestine, long before the Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate period
Life in Occupied Palestine: Eyewitness Stories and Photos
59 min, 2008
An introduction to daily life in Palestine by eyewitness Anna Baltzer, a staff person at the U.S> Campaign for Palestinian Rights and the granddaughter of Holocaust refugees. This superb and well-organized film is so intimate that it feels like a conversation with the filmmaker.
Disturbing the Peace
1 hh
hr., 22 min 2017
Former enemies: Israeli soldiers from elite units and Palstinian fighters, many of whom endured long prison terms, joined together to say “enough” and start Combatants for Peace.
Five Broken Cameras
1 ½ hrs 2012
This is a deeply personal account of non-violent resistance in Bil-in, a West Bank village threatened by encroaching Israeli Settlements.
The Stones Cry Out
55 min 2013
Palestinian Christians resist Israel’s occupation and fight to stay on their land.
Gaza Fights for Freedom
1 hr 24 min 2019
This documentary was filmed during the Great March of Return and includes interviews with protesters and footage of Israeli snipers.
Imprisoning a Generation
51 minutes 2018
A documentary relating the experiences of four Palestinian Children with the Israeli military.
The Gatekeepers
1 Hr, 41 minutes
Chomsky, Noam and Pappe Ilan Gaza in Crisis, 2011
Davis, Angela Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine and the Foundations of a Movement. 2016
Halevi, Yossi Klein Letters to my Palestinian Neieghbor, 2018
Halper, Jeff An Israeli in Palestine; Resisting DIsposession Redeeming Israel. 2008
_____ War Against the People; Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification. 2015.
International Quaker Working Group When the Rain Returns: Toward Justice and Reconciliation in Palestine and Israel. 2004.
Khalidid, Rashid The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017. 2020.
Kimmerling, Baruch and Migdal, Joel. The Palestinian People; A History. 2000.
Lakusta, Maxine Kaufman. Refusing to be Enemies
Mearsheimer, John and Walt, Stephen The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy 2007.
Pappe, Ilan A history of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples. 2004
__________ The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. 2006
__________ The Biggest Prison on Earth.
Peled, Miko. The General’s Son; Journey of an Israeli in Palestine. 2012.
Tolan, Sandy The Lemon Tree.
Weir, Allison Against Our Better Judgment.
White, Ben Cracks in the Wall; Beyond Apartheid in Palestine/Israel 2018